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Education affects every step of the journey towards a better life, especially for the poor and most vulnerable among us. 


It is important to make special efforts to ensure children and young from all socioeconomic statuses, ethnicities, genders, and abilities can benefite equally from the transformative power of education. 


Education empowers girls and young women by increasing the chances for employment, staying healthy, and participating fully in society. The ability of children to lead healthy lives is boosted by their mothers access to education.


Wider benefits of education can be accessed when children complete lower secondary school after primary school. Access and quality of education must both be present so that children can actually benefit. 


Source: Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2013-2014


the foundation for success

Grupo Cajola is dedicated to furthering education efforts in Cajola to further the development of the Maya people and Cajola community. There are a variety of projects we have started that address education in different ways. We have developed afterschool tutoring programs for students, library and circle reading programs, as well as a new computer laboratory where members come to take classes or practice or do homework. Grupo Cajola also has a scholarship program to fund scholars taking their education to the next step. 


We also have provided outlets that protect and preserve Maya Mam culture while addressing education. Through publishing books in the Mam language, we have been able encourage children to connect to their ancestors while creating a tangible presence of the language.


Explore our projects below.

Education is our #1 priority.


The positive impact education can have on a community is undeniable.



Empowers women.

Increases job opportunities.

Improves childhood nutrition.

Leads to environmental concern.

Creates economic growth.

Nurtures tolerance.

Reduces early births.

Reduces child marriages. 

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